Herbertek AB

LX-EM - Position sensors - Wire rope

• 0 - 7,5m
• Analogue
• Magnetic enkoder
• IP67
• Robust
• Low cost

Digital sensor 0-1250mm IP40
LX-EM Series linear position transducer with digital output is a low cost, compact
device for use in light to moderate duty applications in dry environments. The plastic bodied device
is ideal for high volume OEM situations where cost is a major consideration and in applications where
small size and weight are of paramount importance. The sensing element in the LX-EM is a non-contact
robust magnetic hall effect device. The standard output is a push-pull line driver from a 7272 IC where
the magnitude of the output voltage pulse approximates the input voltage. The output is capable of
sourcing and sinking up to 20 mA per channel. When operated with a 5 VDC excitation voltage the
output is RS-422A compliant. The LX-EM is available with two channel (A & B) or four channel (A, B,
A0, & B0) configuration. Various lengths of electrical cable are also offered.

Manufacturer Unimeasure
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